Wednesday, July 29, 2009

VT Sports Mag story

Check out the August edition of Vermont Sports Magazine for an interesting story about Stand Up Paddling in the Green Mountains. On newstands and in shops next week!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Up North

We took a trip to the north side of town to help Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Vermont raise money for the annual Dragonboat fundraiser. Got a lot of people's feet wet (and one dog's) on paddleboards. 

A father and son team gaining speed

Josh teaching the basics ...

Partially blind, walking with a limp, this old Pug still held his own

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Just Swell

Sorry there's no footage - my camera spent Independence Day in Canada of all places - but there was a legit wind swell for July Fourth on Champlain - Just as the Quadricentennial Festival kicks off. Consistent winds had the sails up and paddlesurfers picking up their paddles on 3 and 4 footers. 

The tent only blew away once.

- Jason