Our quest to couple that quintessential Vermont foliage
scene with the fresh perspective of Stand Up Paddling took us to Milton, Vt.,
of all places this October. There’s a dam there on the Lamoille River that
creates Arrowhead Lake — typically a duck hunters' paradise, but we opened
it up to SUP this year (dodging bird decoys, camouflaged boats and dudes with
guns hiding in the brush — and fortunately no bullets).
The Mist of Milton Falls |
Yep, hunting season on the lake coincides with the color
changes. Only slightly daunted, we took a handful of trips to these backwaters
and found some sweet glassy water to lay down a foundation for the Tai Chi
S.U.P. discipline we are developing (why should Yogis have all the mindfulness
paddleboarding fun?) as well as various skies of blue, gray and mist.
TAI CHI S.U.P. (it rhymes, and is awesome) |
We missed the height of a brilliant foliage season for
various reasons, but nonetheless had some great late-season outings — both
pre-peak and post-peak.
In the foreground there, that's where the hunters hang out |
So the peak SUPFoliage quest will continue for another
cycle. Meantime, we’ll see you during mandatory wetsuit season, or when we pick
it up again in the spring.
— Jason